A lot of people looking this pots and pans individual and some of them found this New Disposable Aluminum 5" Tart Pan/individual Pot Pie Pan w/ Clear Dome Lid -501P (50).They says that this New Disposable Aluminum 5" Tart Pan/individual Pot Pie Pan w/ Clear Dome Lid -501P (50) are on of best product that you must have if you need to buy pots and pans individual.See description below to know that this New Disposable Aluminum 5" Tart Pan/individual Pot Pie Pan w/ Clear Dome Lid -501P (50) is absolutly good for you.
Top outside diameter (rim to rim): 5" Top inside diameter: 4-3/8" Bottom diameter: 3" Depth: 1-1/8" 30 gauge aluminum foil Capacity: 6 fluid oz Lid adds 3/4" to height, so pan with lid is about 1-7/8" tall.

- Make little pies, tarts, cobblers, casseroles, and all sorts of individual food dishes.
- Quality is good, foil pan is made in USA.
- The clear plastic lid snaps on to the rim of the pan.
- Great for Individual Size Desserts- Dimensions are listed below
- For a Deep Pot Pie Pan with Lid- http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00PX58YVE
And than there is some review about New Disposable Aluminum 5" Tart Pan/individual Pot Pie Pan w/ Clear Dome Lid -501P (50) one of best product for pots and pans individual.Thank you for reading this review about New Disposable Aluminum 5" Tart Pan/individual Pot Pie Pan w/ Clear Dome Lid -501P (50).if you think this New Disposable Aluminum 5" Tart Pan/individual Pot Pie Pan w/ Clear Dome Lid -501P (50) suitable for you,you can give some share to growup this site,Other wish,you can try looking for another product for pots and pans individual in this blog.I hope this review can helping you to get best product for pots and pans individual
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