Rack It Up Corner Shelf Wall Pot Rack, Steel Gray

A lot of people looking this pots and pans drawer and some of them found this Rack It Up Corner Shelf Wall Pot Rack, Steel Gray.They says that this Rack It Up Corner Shelf Wall Pot Rack, Steel Gray are on of best product that you must have if you need to buy pots and pans drawer.See description below to know that this Rack It Up Corner Shelf Wall Pot Rack, Steel Gray is absolutly good for you.

MPS 18 PC Rack It Up! Corner Shelf Rack in Gray Powder Coat Finish. With this compact little rack you can convert that open corner into an attractive storage and display center. Keep your kitchen accessories organized and convenient so you can spend less time fighting with your kitchen and more time loving it. It's constructed of durable steel with a thick "simulated hammered steel" powder coat finish ensuring good looks and long life. Can be painted to match ceiling color or any decor. Comes with 8 hooks. This rack can be mounted with lag screws into studs, or with toggle bolts into plasterboard or drywall walls. Includes hardware necessary for assembly and installation. 5 year Limited Warranty. Made in China, packed in the USA. Shipping Weight: 4 lbs. Dimensions: 13" L x 13" W x 5" H.

pots and pans drawer

  • Get your pots and pans out of the drawer and up on the wall where you can easily reach them when cooking; conveniently mounts as a kitchen corner shelf and pot rack
  • Fast, easy installation with exclusive Enclume "Toggler" anchors; install kitchen pot rack directly in wall without joists or studs to hold hundreds of pounds
  • This kitchen storage rack weighs 4 pounds; lightweight and versatile kitchen organization solution for cookware and kitchen utensil storage
  • Kitchen organizer measures 13 inches long by 13 inches deep by 5 inches high; includes 8 matching angled pot hooks by Enclume
  • Enclume products are expertly handcrafted; hammered steel finish looks good in any home kitchen


And than there is some review about Rack It Up Corner Shelf Wall Pot Rack, Steel Gray one of best product for pots and pans drawer.Thank you for reading this review about Rack It Up Corner Shelf Wall Pot Rack, Steel Gray.if you think this Rack It Up Corner Shelf Wall Pot Rack, Steel Gray suitable for you,you can give some share to growup this site,Other wish,you can try looking for another product for pots and pans drawer in this blog.I hope this review can helping you to get best product for pots and pans drawer

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